ESdat-LSPECS xml files

ESdat-LSPECS can use xml files to exchange application data with 3rd parties (i.e. laboratories).

These files have a fixed structure defined by a schema (xsd files).


The Workflow between clients with ESdat's LSPECS module and the Laboratories consists of four different stages. Laboratories can support any individual part of this process, allowing for a progressive support of the entire solution.


LSPECS users must select the analyses they wish to perform on the submitted samples. Although the system provides standard lists and allows the user to extend them, they will either not match exactly the ones the laboratory offers, or at least the user will need to manually copy them from the quotes the laboratory has sent. By providing the client with an eQuote in LSPECS format, the users can automatically access the analyses and containers relevant to a quote. Allowing users to selecting from lists specified in a quote ensures the laboratory will receive values that can be automatically recognized and matched against values in their LIMS.


Users will enter all sample details, either on a PLog Tablet, or directly into LSPECS. The user will be able to select the desired analyses from either a specific laboratory quote, a "blanket" quote, or a configurable list in LSPECS. LSPECS generates a printable and an xml version of the eCoC that is sent to the laboratory's designated mailbox. The laboratory can then automatically process this file and update their internal systems with all the data, preventing the need to have someone manually enter all the information from the traditional chain of custody form.


Upon receiving the physical samples and updating their internal systems accordingly, the laboratory can generate and send an eSRN file back to LSPECS. This file can be used by LSPECS to check if the received samples and analyses requests match what was initially sent by the client, alerting the users to any discrepancies.


Finally the Laboratory can provide the results in the ESdat EDIF format (including the eLabReport file header and any additional files (doc, pdf...)) for automatic import. These results can be automatically imported into the client's system, a notification (email) will be sent to the client and the results will be immediately available for viewing.

ESdat file types

There are four main xml file types used by ESdat:

To learn more about each of this files please click on the respective link.

A validation tool for the xml files can be downloaded here.

Additional Information

If you are not familiar with xml and/or xsd concepts we suggest searching for more information online. An introduction to xml and xsd can be found on the w3schools website:

XML (Essentials)

XSD (Schema)

More information regarding the XML and XSD standards can be found and the W3 website:

General information


XSD (Schema)

XML Schema Documentation

View XSD file schema reference