Acronym |
Applicable Data-Type(s) |
Description |
Above Height Datum |
‘AlternativeNameX’ for the compound which can be used to automatically match a ChemCode and/or CAS numbers during import. |
is the substance being analysed in a analytical procedure |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
BlowsX |
(In Borehole SPT Data Table) |
A borehole is drilled into the earth into which well casings or piezometer may be installed. In ESdat, each location that is a borehole should be entered into the Borehole table, where borehole specific information is entered. |
Drilling Method and Diameter |
Material backfilled into the borehole (e.g. Bentonite, Filter Pack etc.). Extra codes may be added to the reference table zRef_Borehole_Backfill_Codes, however if exporting to gINT or WinLog, any extra codes may not be automatically associated with a graphic. |
Borehole Depth Comments |
Depth related comments |
Borehole_Diameter |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Borehole Waterstrikes |
Water Strike depths and recovery levels |
Borehole Samples |
Sample Fields (as specified in the ‘Import_Borehole_Samples’ view. Users can also click on the fields and change in the import template. Compounds presented automatically are those that have a Chem_Group 'Borehole' in the Chemistry Lookup Table. Ad-hoc extras can be added to the right in the import template. |
Bottom_Depth |
Equivalent to Bottom Depth in pLog Soil and Rock Data items. |
Bottom_Screen_Depth |
Bottom_Screen_Depth represents the base of the screen within the piezometer. |
Casing_Description |
Casing_Description refers to the casing material used in the piezometer e.g. Steel. |
Checked_By |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
ChemCode |
‘ChemCode’ provides a unique code for each compound/analyte. This is usually a CAS (Chemistry Abstract Service) code. All chemistry data imported into the database are assigned one of these codes. |
Checked_Date |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Chem_Group |
‘Chem_Group’ provide custom groups that can be specified to enable grouping of compounds in output tables, or filtering in ESdat. |
ChemName |
‘ChemName’ is the name used for outputs, in preference to the name given with other data, such as from the lab, or with the environmental standards. The ChemCode is used to match the ChemName with the correct data. |
ChemName_Abbrev’ |
ChemName_Abbrev’ provides the naming to be used where short names are required, for example, with GIS labelling, in map displays etc. |
Chem_Order |
Chem_Order: Used to set the order in which compounds will appear in the Chemistry Output and QA tables |
Colour |
Chain of custody. The name for the form which is traditionally filled out in the field and contains information on who relinquished the samples and when, as well as the details of each sample and the analyses required. |
Comments |
Field used for any comments appropriate to the data held I the table. |
Completion_Description |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Conducted_By |
Certified Reference Material |
Date added |
This field is completed automatically to show the date that data was imported or added to a data table |
Date_Commenced |
In Borehole Data Import Template |
Date_Finalised |
Date_Time or Date/Time |
Date/Time is a required field. The date time may be entered as date only or as date time e.g. 'dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss' or 'dd mmm yyyy'. If a time is omitted, ESdat will default to 00:00. Time may be entered as 24 hour or as am/pm. Where dates are entered in a format such as 11/11/11, ESdat interpret as per the Regional Settings on your PC (i.e. dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy). |
Data Source is an optional field to indicate where the data was obtained/sourced. This could be a report, a scientific paper reference, advice from a consultant, or may be an estimate provided by a person. |
Data base owner (SQL Server version) |
Depth |
(in Borehole STP Data table) |
Delivery Label |
Referred to in LSpecs it means the form detailing where the samples are to be sent, who relinquished the samples and when, and a SDG number which must match the SDG number recorded in PLog. It is recommended that it be adhesive and cover the opening of each container so that the container cannot be opened leaving the label fully intact. |
Depth_From |
Depth_per_page |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Depth_To |
Description |
Diameter_Units |
Drill_Company |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Driller |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Drilling_Method |
Drill_Rig |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Dry |
In the GroundWater Levels Import Data Table the ‘Dry’ flag is True or False, and can be used to indicate if the well was dry at the time of surveying. It will default to False. This is a required field. |
eCOC |
Electronic Chain of Custody |
Electronic Data Deliverable |
ESdat Data Interchange FIle |
ESdat’s Electronic Lab Data Format. In the format of: the project name as provided by the users; a full stop; a laboratory file identifier; a full stop; the text ‘Chemistry2e’ or ‘Sample2e’ etc. (for the Chemistry or Sample ELDF respectively) and the suffix .'csx’. For example, an appropriate name would be Project1.LabFile01.Sample2e.csv or Project1.LabFile01.Chemistry2e.csv |
Environmental Data Management System |
Effective_Date_Time |
Elevation |
End_Date |
EQL units |
Equivalent weight |
‘equivalent weight’ is used for calculating outputs in geochemical units (in milliequivalents). |
Extraction date |
Field Blank |
Field Conductivity |
Field DO |
Field Duplicate |
Field_ID |
Field Redox |
A measure of a reversible chemical reaction in which one reaction is an oxidation and the reverse is a reduction, measured under field conditions. |
Field Temperature |
Field Turbidity |
Formation |
Is equivalent to Geologic Formation in pLog Soil and Rock Data items. |
Fracture Spacing |
Equivalent to Discontinuity Spacing and Fracture Spacing (primary) in the pLog Soil and Rock Data items, respectively. |
Fracture Spacing2 |
Equivalent to Fracture Spacing (secondary) in the pLog Rock Data items. |
Geology Logging |
Lithology and Sequence Information. The columns presented can be customised. |
Grain size |
HCL Reaction |
Image_Path |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Inner_Diameter |
Interpreted_By |
Interpretation_Method |
Interpolation_Method |
Laboratory Comments |
Laboratory Duplicate |
Laboratory Name |
Laboratory Report Number |
An identifier for each laboratory report. Often each Sample Delivery Group will be reported by the lab in a single report, so there will be a one to one relationship between the numbers, however this may not always be the case. |
Lab Sample ID |
Laboratory Triplicate |
Lower Confidence Limit |
Laboratory Control Sample |
Licence_Number |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Lithological_Code |
The Lithological Code is associated with graphics in WinLog and gINT. This is equivalent to Graphic, USCS, Major_Constituents and Graphic, Rock_Type in the pLog Soil and Rock Data items, respectively. |
Lithological_Description |
Equivalent to Major_Constituents, Classifications, Organic_Content and Rock Type Modifier, Mineralogy, Rock_Type terms in the pLog Soil and Rock Data items, respectively. |
Location Code (LocCode) |
This is a required field. A drop down option will allow you to select a Location Code from the range of Location Codes available within ESdat. A location code may be added here, however it is not recommended. It is more efficient to enter Location codes via the Locations import template. (This term is equivalent to Borehole Number in pLog Soil and Rock Data items). |
Location_Type |
Logged_By |
Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid |
Major_Unit_Percentage |
Equivalent to Rock Type Percentage in pLog Rock Data Items |
Mapped_By |
Matrix or Matrix_Type or Matrix Description |
Soil, Water, Gas, SoilGas |
MB |
Method Blank |
Measurement_Method |
In the GroundWater Levels Import/Data Table, the measurement method is a required field and will default to 'dip' if no value is entered, alternative values may include "logger". |
Method |
In Borehole SPT Data Table |
Method Name or Method Type |
Minor_Components_Description |
This term is equivalent to Consistency, Minor_Constituents in pLog Soil Data items. |
Minutes_Elapsed |
In Borehole Waterstrike Data Table |
Monitoring Round |
Monitoring Round is a useful way of grouping or filtering measurements that may occur on different dates, but be considered equivalent for analysis purposes Generally covers a single sampling event. |
MS |
Matrix Spike |
MonitoringUnit |
This field may be used to identify a specific aquifer. Data may be filtered by monitoring unit. |
Monitoring_Zone |
Moisture |
MS_D |
Matrix Spike Duplicate |
Munsell Colour |
Non-aqueous Phase Liquid |
Non-Client Parent - for duplicates or surrogates from another client in the same sample analysis batch |
Nephelometric Turbidity Unit. A unit of measure for the turbidity of water. Essentially, a measure of the cloudiness of water as measured by a nephelometer. Turbidity is based on the amount of light that is reflected off particles in the water |
Stands for Open Database Connectivity. This is a Standard C programming language middleware application programming interface (API) for accessing database management systems (DBMS). |
Odour Ranking |
OriginalChemName |
Common name for the analyte |
Output Units |
‘Output Units’ specify the units in which data is output for each of the matrix states (Liquid, Solid & Gas Matrix). |
Owner |
Poly-Aromatic Hydrobcarbons |
Parent Sample |
PolyChlorinated Biphenyls |
PenetrationX |
(In Borehole SPT Data Table) |
Penetration_Units |
(In Borehole SPT Data Table) |
Prefix |
Product_Depth |
Product Depth is the depth of Non Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) such as petroleum hydrocarbons or Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) on the surface of the groundwater. |
pH (Field) |
Plunge |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Purpose |
QA |
Quality assurance |
QA Flag |
QA_Status |
QC |
Quality Control |
Recovered_Water_Depth |
Recovery % |
Refusal_Encountered |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Report_Date |
Report_Num |
Resistance |
In Borehole Penetration Data Table |
Relative Percent Difference |
An acronym for a technique used in geotechnical engineering principles in which that determines the quality of rock that was recovered when taking a core sample. It means rock quality designation and representative cross sections of the core sample must reach, or exceed 90-100 mm in length for it to be considered excellent in quality. RQD is defined as the quotient: |
Result |
Result_Units |
Result_Type |
Rock_Bedding_Angle |
Equivalent to Bedding_Angle in the pLog Rock Data Items |
Rock_Compressive_Strength |
Equivalent to Compressive Strength in the pLog Rock Data Items |
Rock_Compressive_Strength2 |
Equivalent to Compressive Strength in the pLog Rock Data Items |
Rock_RQD |
Equivalent to RQD in the pLog Rock Data Items |
Rock_Weathering |
Equivalent to Weathering in the pLog Rock Data Items |
Sampled By |
SampleCode |
Unique Identifier for each sample. The SampleCode should be constructed using the following method. Field Samples to be coded SDG_FieldID. Laboratory Samples (all non client samples) to be coded Lab Report Number_LabSampleID. This is a required field and is limited to 40 text characters. |
Sample Comments |
SB |
Storage Blank |
Sampler_Correction |
(In Borehole SPT Data Table) |
Sample Delivery Group. At it's simplest level, it is a group of samples sent to a laboratory in a single batch. Users can assign mulitple SDG values within a single batch if required |
Sampled_Date_Time |
This information is typically recorded in field notes, and may also be listed on COC documents. Usually recorded as DD/MM/YY with time in a 24 hour clock format HH:MM |
Sample_Depth_From |
Sample_Depth_To |
Sample Method |
Sample Type |
Screen_Description |
Seating_Blows |
(In Borehole SPT Data Table) |
Seating_Blows |
(In Borehole SPT Data Table) |
Site_Properties |
Used to enter a site-specific relative density, in the case where Locations/Wells are not specified individually. The Property will be ‘LNAPL-Rel_Density’ and the value will be the relative density. |
Soil_Angularity |
Equivalent to Angularity in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Cementation |
Equivalent to Cementation in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Consistency |
Equivalent to Primary and Secondary Consistency in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Dry_Strength |
Equivalent to Dry Strength in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Deposition_Environment |
Equivalent to Deposition_Environment in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Dilatancy |
Equivalent to Dilatancy in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Gradation |
Equivalent to Gradation in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Hardness |
Equivalent to Hardness in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Percent_Fines |
Equivalent to Percent Fines in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Percent_Gravel |
Equivalent to Percent Gravel in the pLog Soil Data Items |
Soil_Percent_Sand |
Equivalent to Percent Sand in the pLog Soil Data Items |
Soil_Plasticity |
Equivalent to Plasticity in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_Shape |
Soil_Toughness |
Equivalent to Toughness in the pLog Soil Data Items. |
Soil_USCU |
Equivalent to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) in the pLog Soil Data Items |
Standard Operating Procedure |
(In Borehole SPT Data Table) Standard Penetration Test |
Standard Receipt Notification |
Staining |
Stratigraphy1 |
Is equivalent to Local Name in pLog Rock Data Items |
Start_Date |
Stickup |
Stickup is the height of well casing above ground level. It is usually measure in m. Whichever unit you adopt it is important to use this consistently for all stickup data. |
Structure |
Is equivalent to Bedding Thickness, Structure and Thickness, Structure, Sedimentary_Structure in the pLog Soil Data Items and pLog Rock Data Items respectively. |
Survey_Method |
Test_Pit_Construction |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Test_Pit_Length |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Test_Pit_Width |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Test_Type |
Top Of Casing. At a practical level, in ESdat Top of Casing (TOC) refers to the reference point which groundwater dips are measured from. Generally, TOC is considered to be a constant value, and so only one value needs to be used. TOC represents the summation of elevation as Australian Height Datum (mean sea Level) and Stick up. Note that ESdat automatically calculates Water Level Elevations by deducting the Water Depth data from the TOC value. |
Top_Depth |
In the ESdat Geology table (is equivalent to Depth in pLog Soil and Rock Data items) |
Top_Screen_Depth |
Top_Screen_Depth represents the top of the screen within the piezometer. |
Total_Depth |
(In Borehole Data Table) |
Total or Filtered |
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Type |
Default value is ‘-‘ (in Borehole_Depth_Comments data table) |
Upper Confidence Limit |
Turbidity |
Unified Soil Classification System |
Volatile Organic Compound |
If True (or 1) all the original names for chemistry data assigned this ChemCode are checked against the ChemName and the Alternative Names. If there is no match, the data are shown in the Chemistry QA report for users to ensure the correct code has been assigned. This is usually checked if the user has reason to think a particular compound in the data may have been given a wrong code by mistake. |
Volatility |
Volatility is used for identifying violations of holding times in Chemistry QA. |
Upper_Boundary_Tranistion |
Equivalent to Line Type in the pLog Soil Data Items and pLog Rock Data Items. (Converted to values 'Poorly Defined' or 'Well Defined') |
Water_Depth or Water_Depth_bTOC |
This is the depth of the water measured from the top of the well casing (TOC) to the water surface within the well. This is the same value that is entered in the GroundWater import template |
Water_Depth_bgl |
This is the depth of the water as measured from ground level to the surface of the water within the well. In the WL2_WaterDepths data view, this is only calculated if elevation data is included in the Locations table and TOC data is included in the Wells table. |
Wells |
This field is used to record well construction information. |
Well_Base |
Well_Base represents the measured base of the piezometer. Note that this is different to the measured base of the Bore hole. The measured base of the Borehole is entered as Total_Depth in the Boreholes import template (the Boreholes import template is also included in the Borehole/ Geological Logging import template). |
Well Code |
This is a required field. All water level data requires a Well Code. For nested piezometers a typical well code may consist of ‘A’,’B’,’C’. Where only a single piezometer is installed the WellCode isn't usually relevant so, it is recommended a ‘-‘ (dash) be used. Well codes may be added via the Wells import template. |
Well_Depth |
Well Depth is the depth to the base of the piezometer. |
Upper_Boundary_Transition |
In Borehole Penetration Data table |
Units |
The measurement units e.g. for Water_Depth e.g. m for metres, for analytes mg/kg or mg/L etc. |
Water_Elevation |
Water Elevation does not need to be entered if the Water Depth is entered. ESdat will automatically calculate Water Elevation from Water_Depth and Reference Elevation data. (i.e. Water_Elevation = Reference Elevation – Water Depth) where Reference Elevation equals Top of Casing data (from the Wells table) - if present, or Elevation data (from the Locations table). |
x-coordinate |
y-coordinate |