Chemistry Table Labels
File Name: ArcGIS_ChemLabel_Template_Access.mxd (Access versions) or ArcGIS_ChemLabel_Template_SQLServer.mxd (Server Versions)
Used to set font and layer defaults when exporting the Chem Result Map Labels to a new ArcGIS map.
Data exports:
File Name: ArcGIS_Template.mxd
Used to set font and layer defaults when exporting untransformed data to a new ArcGIS map.
To customize these files you need to do the following:
• | Create a Shape file from ESdat using the default naming convention in the export "ESDAT-Shapefile.shp". |
• | The Shape file (and associated other files ie dbf etc..) and the "mxd" you wish to be modified need to be placed in a single directory. |
• | Then the mxd file can be opened in ArcGIS, edited, and saved (save - not save as). |
• | The mxd file can then be copied to your ESdat Templates Directory. |