Customising Output Views

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Customising Output Views

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Output views in ESdat are designed to capture the key information derived from multiple data tables (for example: Location, Wells, Chemistry_Samples, Chemistry_Results).   A necessary practicality is that only the main fields are generally shown when multiple tables are being reported.


On occasion, an additional field (whether standard or custom) may need to be included.  As all outputs through ESdat are read from database Queries (Access), or Views (SQL Server), this can be done by simply modifying the views. Any query/view which can be run against the database can be viewed in ESdat.


ESdat Access Version.

If ESdat is being used with an Access database an Access icon is shown on the right toolbar.  Clicking this icon will open the database in Access.  Queries can be added or edited as required.


ESdat SQL Server Version.

If ESdat is being used with a SQL Server database, changes can be made using SQL Server Management Studio, or using MS Access to create an MS Access Project (.adp) which connects to the ESdat SQL Server database.  Standard MS Access instructions apply (and vary with Access version).  Users will need appropriate database permissions.


Custom Data-Types

Additional queries/views will be shown in ESdat under an existing "Data-Type" where the query/view name starts with a matching prefix (for example the Soil Chemistry button shows all queries/views starting with SChem).


Users can customise the Data-Type buttons in ESdat under Setup - Data-Types.