Database Corruption

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Database Corruption

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Access Databases

Occasionally an Access database may exhibit unexpected bahaviour (usually due to some network issue while saving data), or the user may have customised it in ways that are later found to be undesirable.

In the case of an issue with an Access database the following proceedures should be followed:

Does the  open in ESdat as expected?

If No,

 • attempt a Compact and Repair in ESdat (File - Compact and Repair), or in Access (Tools - Utilities, or Office Button - Manage)


 • for more serious issues use the JETCOMP.exe utility available from Microsoft (at at time of publishing)


 If that can’t recover it then there may be a zip file containing the database automatically created in the same directory that the database is stored in.  


 If none of the above are able to recover the database it will be necessary to restore a copy from backup.


If yes or if using ESdat with SQL Server,

 See Database Problems or Bugs