Environmental Visualisation System

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Environmental Visualisation System

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The EVS Add-in is able to export geology and chemistry information to EVS in the accepted EVS input file formats.  The user can either create the files and manually import them in EVS, or automatically start EVS, load the files, and choose from a list of pre-defined display types for their data.

Currently supported EVS file formats are:

.csv (Chemistry)

.pgf (Pre-Geology)

.geo (Geology Stratigraphy)


CSV Format

The csv format is used to export soil, water, or other chemistry data to EVS. For data to be exported it must be have an x co-ordinate, y co-ordinate, and an elevation.  For soil data the depth of the sample must also be specified. For groundwater data the screened depths of the monitoring well must be specified. ESdat converts the depths to elevations using the surface (or well) elevation of the point and the sample or screened depth.


ESdat will check that a chemical result occurs only once at each x,y,z position for each chemical.  If, for example, time series data is exported, multiple results may occur at each position and the user can choose to accept this.  EVS by default uses the average concentration in this situation.


PGF Format

The Pre-Geology Format exports the Lithological_Code data from the ESdat Geology table.  The lithological codes are a lookup list of codes corresponding to typical lithology descriptions.


GEO Format

The Geo format exports stratigraphic information to EVS.  By default the data in the Stratigraphy1 column of the ESdat geology table is exported, but the user can change this to the Stratigraphy2 column, or potentially, the Lithological Code column.  The only constraint on this export is that the relative vertical positions of the stratigraphic units must always be consistent (eg. Unit1 must be always above or always below Unit2).  If this is not the case EVS will give the user a warning.