gedt format

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gedt format

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The gedt format contains instructions designed to transfer data into or out of ESdat to or from other databases.  It is new to ESdat V4 and is used for imports from PLog and exports to gINT gpr files or WinLog4 database files.


Naming Convention

The file naming convention is as follows:


A "gedt" file is used to import or export data to or from ESdat Access or SQL Server versions

A "gedts" file only applies to SQL Server versions.

A "gedta" file only applies to Access versions.


File Specifications

The file is a text file, and can be opened in any text editor, such as Notepad.  The contents look as follows:


**DestinationTable1:        Data_Source_Statement 

DestinationField1:        Value1a

;                                prefix & Value1b & suffix

DestinationField2:        Value


**DestinationTable2:        Data_Source_Statement 

DestinationField1:        Value1

DestinationField2:        iif(Value2a is not null, Value2a,Value2b)




"DestinationTable1" is a single destination table in the destination database.  If importing to ESdat and if Access and SQL Server versions have different but equivalent table names both situations can be specified by using  "|" delimiter (ie Sample|Chemistry_Samples)


A colon (:) is used to seperate the destination table or field from the source.  Colons may not be used in the logic of the source value.

Data_Source_Statement1 is a table name in the source database or any valid SQL syntax that would normally occur after the "From" in a SQL Statement.  Sub-queries are supported, but "Where" statements within the sub-queries are not.

DestinationField is a single field in the Destination Table.

Value 1 is any valid SQL that results in an output column.  Logic such as if statements, operators and other SQL syntax is supported.


A semi colon(;) is used to indicate a second value for the DestinationField.  This is equivalent to including the second value (with a & join) on the first line, however a test is run to see if the value is populated.  If it is not populated the prefix and suffix values are not included.

One or more blank lines is used to indicate the end of the translation for that table.

Project Constants may also be used:  ' ProjectDepthUnits' will be replaced by ' m' or ' ft' or otherwise, as specified in the Project table.



An example is below and comes from the PLog.gedt file:


**WaterLevel|Groundwater_and_NAPL_Levels:        [Monitoring Info] Where Type = 2

LocCode|Location_Code:                                [Borehole Number]

WellCode|Well:                                        iif([Well Number]='','-',[Well Number])

Date_Time:                                                Format([Date/Time],'dd mmm yyyy hh:mm')

Data_Source|:                                        [Logger First Name]

;                                                        ' ' & [Logger Last Name]

Water_Depth:                                        [Water Depth]

Comments:                                                'Well Depth ' & [Well Depth] 

;                                                        ' Purge Volume ' & [Actual Purge Volume]

Product_Depth:                                        [NAPL Depth]

Monitoring_Round:                                        [Sampling Plan ID] 



The example shows:

Data is being sent to the WaterLevel table (Access versions) or the Groundwater_and_NAPL_Levels table (SQL Server versions).

Some field names vary between the Access and SQL Server versions.

The Data Source field is being populated by [Logger First Name] and if the [Logger Last Name] is populated it will have a preceeding space.

Comments is being populated by the Well Depth (which is recorded once in the Wells table in ESdat, and not explicitely with each water level measurement).  If present the "Purge Volume" data and prefix is also populated.

