Data from non-ESdat users can be imported through the use of the Excel based ESdat Import Templates, and if necessary, ESRI Shape files can be integrated with the Import Templates for the exchange of polygon/line related data (only in systems which support polygon/polyline geometries).
The blank templates are produced using the import functionality and can be e-mailed to non-ESdat users who can fill them in. The person populating the template can select values from drop-down menu's, and enter / paste the data. Upon receipt of the populated template it is loaded by clicking the "Populated ESdat Import Template" button on the Import form, and selecting the file.
Three options are available if the client does not have an ESdat licence, but wants to analyse the data
•Data in the database can be exported to ArcGIS shape files, MapInfo MIF files, or Excel,
•The database can be sent as is and opened by the client in Access/SQL Server. The database is intuitive to navigate.
•ESdat can produce automated factual reports which contain the latest data and can be e-mailed to the client, or put on a web site.