Charting (Chemistry Specific):

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Charting (Chemistry Specific):

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Charts produced through ESdat use the Excel charting capabilities, and are fully customisable within the capabilities of Excel.

If you are looking at chemistry data and click the chart button the data will be charted using the system defaults, however if you click the drop-down arrow to the right of the button the following dialogue box will appear.


The contents of this form will depend on what you are plotting.  The options available include:


Non-Detects - Often non-detects can be difficult to identify in charts, and varying detection limits can cause apparent fluctuations.  This option enables you to control how non-detects will be displayed.


Dont plot compounds if no time series data - If there is only one monitoring event the selection of this option will supress production of the chart.


Use the same date range for all charts: -This is useful for comparing data where the collection period differs.  This may cause results to be clustered at one end if the date range for all the compounds is significantly greater than that for a particular compounds.


Include Environmental standards - Environmental standards for the matrix (or matricies) will be included.


Mann Kendal Trend - This provides a trend analysis of the data, and shows the results on the chart.


Chart Template - Various templates can be set up with desired settings, logo's, etc.. More information is available under "Templates".  It is not possible to use the Pre-configured Template in conjunction with the trend analysis as the Pre-Configured template uses the one legend for all charts, while the trend analysis requires each chart to indicate the trends in the charts own legend.

Chemistry Specific charts differ from the charts produced using the "Generic" method.  The data is exported in a slightly different format that is much faster than used in the "Generic" method.  However, this has the drawback that these charts are not automatically updateable.  This format offers superior management of non-detects, as well as the automatic inclusion of environmental standards.