Google Earth

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Google Earth

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To export data to Google Earth your co-ordinate system will need to be defined (Project Table in Access databases; Site Table in SQL Server).


The label shown in Google Earth will be the same as that showing in ESdat's internal map (if open) or it will be the Location Code.  It isn't possible to change labels in Google Earth.  Stacked labels (ie the tabular format) will not display in Google Earth.


Points in Google Earth look like pins by default.  You can change this in Google Earth

Right click on your layer (which will be shown under 'Temporary Places' on the left side of Google Earth and select Properties.

Select the Style, Colour tab. Click 'Share Style'

Up the top right of the form (next to the layer name) a icon button will appear. You can click on this to change the icon. In the main area under the Style, Colour tab you can set the label and icon colour, size (scale), and transparency.


There is no way to automatically import Google Earth imagery into ESdat and have it correctly align with your bores.  It will first have to be exported from Google Earth and geo-referenced.  There will also be licensing issues to consider in use of the imagery.