Basic or regularly adjusted layout options (like table orientation or content to be included) are visible to the user after selecting their filter and prior to producing the Chemistry Output Table.
Less frequently changed layout options are controlled by:
• | Compound Grouping, Order, Naming |
• | Sheet Logo, Headers and Footers, Font |
• | The "More Options" button to control the table presentation. |
• | Automatically running custom macros. |
See Chemistry Profile (SQL Server version) or the Chemistry Lookup Table (Access version)
See Templates
The More Options button opens a form with four tabs:
Indicates which statistics will be included when statistics are included in the Chemistry Table export.
Table Layout
Provides refinements to how you would like the table to be laid out. The options are self explanatory and it is recommended the user play with these to achieve the output they want.
Enviro Standards:
This has the default options for highlighting exceedances. It's not possible to set individual colours for each guideline here, that needs to be done using the exceedance formatting tool available after export.
Rename Headers
This allows for the standard ESdat names to be changed in the export (eg Field_ID may be automatically changed to Sample ID).
Sometimes users have requirements that are not able to be met from the above options. In those cases it is possible to use an Excel macro to achieve the desired result. These are run automatically during the export and are not visible to the user, who would not be aware any custom macros are being used.
You should contact your ESdat Support who will provide you with a file called "Chemistry_Output_Table_Custom_Formatting.xlam" that you should save in your templates folder. This file can be opened in Excel, and being a "xlam" will not be visible as a workbook, only in the vba editor (Alt-F11). The VBA will have two macros called "ApplyChemTableCustomFormatsChemDown" and "ApplyChemTableCustomFormatsChemAcross" which will be run when the table is generated with ChemNames down or across respectively. These macros can be used to call other macros in which you can insert any formatting code you require. It is recommended that users refer to cells in their worksheet using Excel "Named Ranges" to reference different parts of the Table, for example the "ColHeaders", "Data", "EQLAndLimits", "LimitsValues" etc..
Support to use VBA to achieve this is not covered in ESdat Support. Users need to be proficient in VBA and in debugging. Your support can be commissioned to perform this work on your behalf if reqired.