Chemistry Output Views

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Chemistry Output Views

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Standard Chemistry Output views are available under the "Water Chemistry", "Soil Chemistry", and "Gas Chemistry" datatype buttons.


"Water Chemistry" includes all chemistry results that relate to a "Liquid" matrix.  These views start with a "LChem" prefix.

"Soil Chemistry" includes all chemistry results that relate to a "Solid" matrix (such as sediment, rock).  These views start with a "SChem" prefix.

"Gas Chemistry" includes soil gas & air chemistry results.  These views start with a "GChem" prefix.

"Other Chemistry" includes all chemistry where no conversion to Liquid, Solid, or Gas Output Units are applicable.  These views start with a "OChem" prefix.


Users can create additional views to output data for a particular matrix type (ie just Surface water) if desired.  See Matrix Types for assigning additional matrix types if required.  For a particular view to be recognised as a valid "Chemistry" view for the purposes of allowing exports through the Chemistry Output Table it needs to include the following columns:  ChemCode, ChemName, Prefix, Concentration, Output Unit, Matrix_Type, Matrix_State.