Water depths or elevations (and NAPL depths if relevant) are entered into the "Waterlevel" table ("Groundwater_and_NAPL_Levels" table in SQL Server versions). All water level (or NAPL) data needs to be associated with a well (piezometer). If not already entered, the Well can be automatically created in the Well table by using the "Create Missing Parent Records" option when importing the water level data.
Although both a water depth and elevation can be entered, it is generally not desirable to do so. Outputs through ESdat will automatically convert from one to the other if an appropriate reference point is provided (such as TOC (top of casing)). Where a conversion from depths to elevation is to be performed the user will need to enter a TOC (Top of Casing) value into the Wells table. Where a TOC value is not entered the elevation in the Locations table will be used (if present).
Other features of the Water Level table are:
•All depths should be relative to the Top of Casing, and will be treated as such for automated depth to elevation conversions.
•The measurement method will default to 'dip' if no value is entered, alternative values may include "logger".
•The "Dry" flag is True or False, and can be used to indicate if the well was dry at the time of surveying, it will default to False.
•Monitoring Round is a useful way of grouping or filtering measurements that may occur on different dates, but be considered equivalent for analysis purposes.
In situations where surface water level measurements are taken (such as a lake recharging groundwater) a "-" is recommended to be used for the WellCode (even though a Well Code isn't strictly relevant). If different survey points are used at different water levels these can be identified as different "Well Codes" if it is desirable that the "Location Code" remain consistent.
ESdat outputs also support a varying TOC, see the section on Wells for further information.