Importing Water Levels

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Importing Water Levels

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Groundwater Levels Import Template

For generic information on importing see Importing From Import Templates

A copy of the GW/NAPL  Import template is included below along with field definitions. The import template is from the Access version of ESdat, the SQL server version is similar.



Location Code:

This is a required field.  A drop down option will allow you to select a Location Code from the range of Location Codes available within ESdat (see Locations Table).  A location code may be added here, however it is not recommended.  It is more efficient to enter Location codes via the Locations import template (see Locations).

Well Code:

This is a required field. All water level data requires a Well Code. For nested piezometers a typical well code may consist of “A”,”B”,”C”.  Where only a single piezometer is installed the WellCode isn't usually relevant so, we recommend a "-" (dash) be used. Well codes may be added via the Wells import template (see Wells).


Date/Time is a required field. The date time may be entered as date only or as date time eg: “dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss” or “dd mmm yyyy”

If a time is omitted Esdat will default to 00:00. Time may be entered as 24 hour or as am/pm.   Where dates are entered in a format such as 11/11/11 ESdat interpret as per the Regional Settings on your PC (ie dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy).


Water Depth is measured from the top of the well casing (TOC) to the water surface within the well.


Water Elevation does not need to be entered if the Water Depth is entered.  ESdat will automatically calculate Water Elevation from Water_Depth and Reference Elevation data. (ie. Water_Elevation = Reference Elevation – Water Depth) where Reference Elevation equals Top of Casing data (from the Wells table) - if present, or Elevation data (from the Locations table).


Product Depth is the depth of Non Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) such as petroleum hydrocarbons  or  Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) on the surface of the groundwater.   


Well Depth is the depth to the base of the piezometer.


The "Dry" flag is True or False, and can be used to indicate if the well was dry at the time of surveying, it will default to False. This is a required field.


The measurement units for Water_Depth eg.  m  for metres.


The measurement method is a required field and will default to 'dip' if no value is entered, alternative values may include "logger".

Monitoring Round:

Monitoring Round  is a useful way of grouping or filtering measurements that may occur on different dates, but be considered equivalent for analysis purposes


Enter any comments appropriate  to the data.

Data Source:

Data Source is an optional field to reference where the data was obtained.