Editing and Deleting

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Editing and Deleting

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Editing Data

Data can be edited by putting ESdat into Edit mode (click the Editbutton).

Data can generally be edited in the output views, however, where it is the result of a calculation it cannot be edited, and you will be prompted to edit the raw data in the relevant table under the "Data Tables" button.

Users can edit multiple rows in a single column at once by selecting the values to be edited (only in one column) and entering a new value.  An entire column can be edited by clicking on the column header and entering a new value; normally a filter would be applied first to restrict the rows by some specific criteria.

An alternative way to edit data in ESdat is to import using the "Update" or "Overwrite" actions.


Deleting Data

To Delete follow these steps:

1. If desired, filter for the data to be deleted.

2. Put ESdat in Edit mode (click the Editbutton)

3. Select the rows to be deleted (or select all rows), right click, and select Delete Row(s)


You will be prompted to ensure you wish to continue with the deletion. You cannot undo.

In certain tables (such as Locations) you may receive a message "The record cannot be deleted or changed because table x includes related records". Standard setups of ESdat wont allow you to delete data where related data exists.  For example, you cannot delete BH01 from the Locations table if data for BH01 exists in the Chemistry Samples, WaterLevel, Geology, or other table. You have to delete the data from these tables first. This prevents unintentional loss of large amounts of data.