Exporting using a gdl file

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Exporting using a gdl file

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A GDL (gINT data link) file is a format supported by gINT to read directly from gINT into another database.  It doesn't produce the standard gINT gpr (gINT Project file).  Users are referred to gINT documentation for further information.


An example of an export using a gdl file has been provided "esdat_gint.gdl", with an associated gINT Library file, and an associated gINT Template file (the gINT Template file isn't used, but can be useful for reference when modifying gINT reports).  In the example, the ESdat logo can be changed by opening gINT, go to Symbol Design, Bitmap Symbols, Select Logo, click Properties (botton to the left of the Logo dropdown) and click "Load Raster File".